
The Wedding Party is exactly what is sounds like, It is party time!
I had such great time with so many groups of individuals from all walks of life. I have been privileged to capture memories for them and listen to so much history of their lives.
Sometimes it is a challenge to get large groups of people to participate and other groups it just comes naturally. Either way I make it fun and exciting so we get the best out of the wedding party.
The gallery provides some sample poses and also displays the diversity in their personalities.
Like the bridesmaid and groomsman galleries you get a feel for some poses and ideas.
Of course there is always Pintrest!
I love new ideas.
"We never live so intensely as when we love strongly. We never realize ourselves so vividly as when we are in full glow of love for others."
-- Walter Rauschenbusch
I look forward to meeting your special group.
The Wedding Party is exactly what is sounds like, It is party time!
I had such great time with so many groups of individuals from all walks of life. I have been privileged to capture memories for them and listen to so much history of their lives.
Sometimes it is a challenge to get large groups of people to participate and other groups it just comes naturally. Either way I make it fun and exciting so we get the best out of the wedding party.
The gallery provides some sample poses and also displays the diversity in their personalities.
Like the bridesmaid and groomsman galleries you get a feel for some poses and ideas.
Of course there is always Pintrest!
I love new ideas.
"We never live so intensely as when we love strongly. We never realize ourselves so vividly as when we are in full glow of love for others."
-- Walter Rauschenbusch
I look forward to meeting your special group.